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Life coach transform breathwork transformation life coaching retreats retreat mens circle women's circle online learning growth manifest spirituality yoga self care boundaries intuition raising vibration healing mindset transform awaken awakening dark night of the soul women's empowerment mens empowerment yoga self care shamanic shamanism magic dreams dream higher self yoga online


My clients say it best...

“I just wanted to thank you so much for our session we had a few months ago. After living with so much fear and holding on to past pain I never thought I’d be ready or brave enough to go back for more children. After our time together I feel like I released so much trauma and felt so clear headed and light hearted. It gave me the strength to dig deep and assess what my heart truly wants and I finally felt ready for another baby. I never thought it would happen but I’m so happy to tell you that I’m 8 weeks pregnant and you played such a huge part in this. Thank you so much for helping me find my voice and my courage when I thought it was lost.”


Laura Camacho, Psychologist

Amanda saw my soul from the very beginning and I knew that she would have a great impact on my life. Having tried therapy and coaching before, I have high expectations for the person working with me.


Amanda knows how to get to the core of the issue and isn’t afraid to be direct with me and “to say the thing”. She challenges me to be bigger and better and pushes me out of my comfort zone, so I can grow into the woman I wish to be.


With Amanda I feel truly seen and held and her fiery spirit and dedication to this work, means that I always leave a talk with her feeling inspired and with an action plan.


In the months that I have known Amanda, my life has in fact changed drastically and become magical and she helps me feel more connected to myself, to my body, to my intuition and to trust my process.

Laura Comacho Therapist


Peter Kane, Managing Director

Digital Media

Amanda is, quite simply, incredible. 

I came to her on the back of a long term break up and I was only really looking to heal from that experience. What she unlocked has been life-changing. Of course, we dealt with that breakup and she helped me to move past it and see that I wasn't to blame for what happened. But furthermore, she completely opened my eyes to the repetitive beliefs and behaviour that had plagued all my previous relationships and meant they were all designed to fail through no fault of my own or my ex-partners. 


Amanda has also made me much more aware of the emotional baggage I was holding onto from my childhood, how to deal with it, let it go, and stop allowing it to impact my life. The result has been I now have the best relationship with my parents that I've ever had. 


She has helped me identify what is most important to me in life and is giving me the tools to live a happier, healthier, more fulfilled life. 

I've recommended her to at least 10 of my friends and family and I can't speak highly enough for her as a person and the work she does. 

She will change your life too, for the better, so don't even think about it. Just do it.

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Ellie Grace, Entrepreneur

"Amanda invited me into a deeply healing Breathwork ritual designed to express and relieve anger. I’d been experiencing a lock in my lower back for about 2 weeks - total lack of flexibility and movement, and a deep pain when walking.


In our ritual, Amanda guided me through an activating breathing practice and expertly lead me to a place where I was able to express and release anger through sound, movement and tears.


By the end of the practice I was exhausted and went to bed. The next day my back pain was gone and I felt a hundred times lighter.


Her ritual helped me to realise what a hard time I have expressing anger and how my mind and body suffer when I repress it.


I can’t thank her enough for lifting the way for me on this one - it’s marked a turning point in my self awareness and my treatment and expression of vital human emotions."

Man with Beard

Oisin O'Mara, Finacial Trader

Amanda is simply phenomenal! 


I could leave it right there but I would never do her justice. At the beginning I way this isn't for me. I suffered from what I like to call the fake bulletproof mindset, the "I'm fine I'll get through it" attitude.


After one session with Amanda, I experienced raw visceral emotions and pure feelings of elation and euphoria.


I knew it was special. I knew this was my future. 


As each session passed the snowball effect was in full flight, I was adopting a growth mindset filled with confidence and hope about things to come!


I was more open with my nearest and dearest connecting on levels I'd never experienced. I now worry less about work and have learned to relinquish control and embrace spontaneity.


It's still only the beginning of my journey with Amanda and she has already forged a fortress of STRENGTH, POWER & POSITIVITY in my mind.


I have now experienced the true bulletproof mindset! 

Life coach transform breathwork transformation life coaching retreats retreat mens circle women's circle online learning growth manifest spirituality yoga self care boundaries intuition raising vibration healing mindset transform awaken awakening dark night of the soul women's empowerment mens empowerment yoga self care shamanic shamanism magic dreams dream higher self yoga online

Yasmine Miles, Therapist

Our sessions together have blown my mind.


The synchronicities and magic happening are unexplainable. I am now noticing my inner voice that has sabotaged me for 24 years and changing the stories that have held me back in life, love and my work. From not completing what I'd love, to feeling like I have never belonged or been safe in the world, to giving my power away, These beliefs would have held me back my whole life and career.


Physically I felt like I let go of a huge weight in my upper back I've been dragging around my whole life. I'm so grateful we are working together. I'm completely in awe of how powerful these sessions are and feel they have illuminated so much.


Coming into this work I thought I would just be dealing with my procrastination, and could never have imagined the monumental life changes in a matter of weeks!


My decision to work with you was impulsive but one of the best things I've ever done. Thank you for the gift of your light, wisdom, and refreshing unapologetic honesty!

Life coach transform breathwork transformation life coaching retreats retreat mens circle women's circle online learning growth manifest spirituality yoga self care boundaries intuition raising vibration healing mindset transform awaken awakening dark night of the soul women's empowerment mens empowerment yoga self care shamanic shamanism magic dreams dream higher self yoga online

Joanne Panetta, Director of Eductation

If I was asked to describe in 3 words what coaching with Amanda would provide you with I'd have to say that's impossible because what we have unlocked together requires a waterfall of words. There is a special kind of magic that occurs when you open your heart, mind and soul to the opportunities you can create for yourself with Amanda's guidance. I have heard the term 'holding space' used many times, they way in which Amanda does this is by far the most authentic example of a human being a vessel for you to unpack your own magic and heal from deep scars we may not be able to identify ourselves.  Through her coaching, embodiment practices & support to deep dive into your soul, Amanda helped me to heal my pain and is draw out my personal magic session by session. Yes, I had a breakdown in my life which led me back to Amanda. There is no such thing in life as coincidence I know now more than ever, I created the possibility of working with her to unravel parts of myself that even I didn't know were tangled. Sometimes I find myself trying to 'make sense' of how she does what she does, but am learning that the best way to create magic is to stop trying to understand it and just surrender & trust. I recall 'breaking up" with my psychologist and surrendering fully to the coaching of Amanda and have never looked back. I thank you for encouraging my bravery and helping me to unleash my magic. You are true gift

Life coach transform breathwork transformation life coaching retreats retreat mens circle women's circle online learning growth manifest spirituality yoga self care boundaries intuition raising vibration healing mindset transform awaken awakening dark night of the soul women's empowerment mens empowerment yoga self care shamanic shamanism magic dreams dream higher self yoga online

Brian Smith, Owner Africa Roar

Coaching with Amanda

I became connected to Amanda by chance. Still not sure how but it was definitely meant to be.


At the time my life and my business had lost its direction. I liken it to being a cork in the middle of the ocean. Just bobbing around and going nowhere.


In a short time, Amanda had me refocussed and gave me the strength to move forward.


My life is now very strong and on track. Nothing is too hard and thanks to Amanda my business now has a strong direction and purpose.


I can’t thank Amanda enough. She is the coach I needed and also now she is a great friend. I owe her heaps and words can’t express my appreciation.


Thank you


Online Circle:

Amanda has the unbelievable ability to bring out the best in everyone regardless where they are coming from and the journey they are on.


The most powerful thing I experienced was the powerful growth "in me". I've learnt to "be me" and follow my heart.


One of the most enjoyable thing is being part of such a strong circle starting with the great leadership of Amanda and the rest of the circle being so diverse. When we were together the different ingredients come together to produce powerful outcomes.


The completion exercise was one of the most powerful things I have ever  experienced.


This circle has changed my life.

Life coach transform breathwork transformation life coaching retreats retreat mens circle women's circle online learning growth manifest spirituality yoga self care boundaries intuition raising vibration healing mindset transform awaken awakening dark night of the soul women's empowerment mens empowerment yoga self care shamanic shamanism magic dreams dream higher self yoga online

Octavia McDonnald, Coach, Breathwork & Meditation Teacher

"It was my first time doing Shamanic Yoga and I have to say it was by far one of the most powerful yoga practices I have ever experienced.


Amanda is a such a light with such heart warming energy and so much love to give. She instantly made me feel comfortable and safe to come to the mat with whatever was present within.


This was the most intentional and sacred yoga practice that I have ever experienced. 


Each movement guided by Amanda as a prayer to your Higher Self. The music chosen and scents to assist the practice was perfectly placed to encourage a journey deep into our Spirit.


I could not recommend Amanda highly enough as a Yoga teacher but also as a human being with an enormous heart."

Life coach transform breathwork transformation life coaching retreats retreat mens circle women's circle online learning growth manifest spirituality yoga self care boundaries intuition raising vibration healing mindset transform awaken awakening dark night of the soul women's empowerment mens empowerment yoga self care shamanic shamanism magic dreams dream higher self yoga online

Kira Giles - Super Mum

I just wanted to thank you again for our session. I don’t think I can fully put into words how special it was and how special I think you are. You really are an incredible person with so much power to change the world. 


I went into Amanda’s session feeling so burdened with grief, pain and anxiety having no idea what to expect. All I knew is that I had to try it. At the beginning of our session I was very nervous because I wasn’t sure if I could let go and let myself just fully be vulnerable and embrace the experience but my heart told me that I needed to do it. Amanda made me feel so comfortable and instantly at ease with no judgement and only love and understanding. It was exactly what I needed to allow myself to fully open myself up. We started with breath work and ended with some deep meditation. Whilst I’m not sure how to explain all we did in our session together, I can say it was almost like an out of body experience where I could just be and feel instead of think and be in my head leaving ego and worry behind. I felt like I released so much negative energy and trauma that I had been holding on to for such a long time and had never fully been able to let go of until that moment.


I walked out feeling the most at peace I have felt in a long time and like I was floating. Amanda made me feel so safe and I am so happy that she was able to help me.


I highly recommend anyone trying this, Amanda is a healer of the heart, body and soul."

Life coach transform breathwork transformation life coaching retreats retreat mens circle women's circle online learning growth manifest spirituality yoga self care boundaries intuition raising vibration healing mindset transform awaken awakening dark night of the soul women's empowerment mens empowerment yoga self care shamanic shamanism magic dreams dream higher self yoga online



Amanda has the unbelievable ability to bring out the best in everyone regardless where they are coming from and the journey they are on.​ The most powerful thing I experienced was the powerful growth "in me". I've learnt to "be me" and follow my heart.

One of the most enjoyable thing is being part of such a strong circle starting with the great leadership of Amanda and the rest of the circle being so diverse. When we were together the different ingredients come together to produce powerful outcomes. The completion exercise was one of the most powerful things I have ever been part of.

This circle has changed my life.

​Brian Smith - Owner Africa Roar


“Amanda, you are pure magic. The golden ball meditation and breathing techniques gave me the ultimate self preservation tool to use when feelings of anxiety, anger etc started to rise. I use this practice every day, sometimes more than once and it has contributed greatly to my mental wellbeing. A powerful moment for me was learning why I believe what I do, the negative and positives. This circle was a huge shifting point for me and my mentality when it comes to the way I perceive others and myself. I found the exercises to set our boundaries very empowering, I realised how much of a people pleaser I had become. It was powerful to learn how much of ourselves we are giving away by not respecting our own boundaries. I will take my power back! I was cracked open when revisiting my childhood which in hindsight I will be eternally grateful for as it was a powerful healing moment for me.

You weave webs of love and light that hold people together and heal them. Every word and gesture is heartfelt and genuine. You hold such a sacred space for us to learn and grow, I just don’t think I will ever have the words to truly articulate how grateful and blessed I am to have met you.”

Rhiannon Meade


“Freedom from my old stories and limiting beliefs are what get in the way of me stepping into my greatness. I also recall the inner child work here & how emotional I was to see young Joanne again & how happy and vivid she was. It was at this point I remember that is my essence and that I need to stop masking that joy which is shared through dance, song and my overall zest for life. I AM NOT TOO MUCH! Unpacking fear (ego) was incredibly helpful but the most moving moment was when I wrote down the statement "my ego just wants me to hold on to what is safe" I truly felt that & am still working on this part of myself. By doing this work, I am seeing that surrendering to the intuition/highest self is much more aligned than just operating in fear. Looking at the power of the womb space really resonated with me. What an emotional experience that hit me deep in my soul. Our tribe really saw me....they really got me! It hit me hard that I am full of zest, life and joy & that my voice is powerful. I am an inspiration to others & will promise to be of service to the world as I step into my true being. I just loved it! Thank you again! Pure magic, pure love.”

Joanne Panetta, Director of Education


“This course got me to really dive into that story and be aware of it running me unconsciously, and to be aware of the language I was using on a daily basis. I am more aware of the creator in me and not so judgemental of the saboteur. You were  natural and warm And held space beautifully for us. I loved the topics some of them I hadn’t delved to deep and that was inspiring that you took us on that journey with topics that could be controversial to some. We each received something we needed because of that. Thank you beautiful for your time and effort, you’re a special soul and your gifts showed up as kindness, gentle and strong.

Sherin Warren, Coach


“I came across this gorgeous soul on a simple like of her instagram page. By chance I was able to get a Soul Journey Session with her. It was just incredible and from there the journey for me started. I have now completed an online 8 week course with her and have had the wonderful opportunity and divine timing of personal coaching with Amanda. Through all this I have gained so much personal growth and awareness. The way she can connect to your soul, take you through a healing journey and really get you to look into yourself is amazing. I have embraced my beautiful, authentic self and have learnt so much. This coaching experience really is incredible and life changing. I am so grateful to have met this gorgeous and amazing woman and cannot wait to bring more of her contagious energy into my life.”

Narelle Aitken - Soho crystals and Healing, Soho Hair Room 


Life coach transform breathwork transformation life coaching retreats retreat mens circle women's circle online learning growth manifest spirituality yoga self care boundaries intuition raising vibration healing mindset transform awaken awakening dark night of the soul women's empowerment mens empowerment yoga self care shamanic shamanism magic dreams dream higher self yoga online



“Just before writing this, I searched for the meaning of your name. How completely fitting for you, the woman you are; you radiate love and this is a perfect description of what I received. I instantly felt safe, at ease and honestly completely loved in your presence. Our session was an amazing journey of forgiveness and release. Amanda released physical blockages in my body through reiki, which is like nothing I have ever experienced before. What I absolutely loved though, was her drum work. Everyone has their own beat, and intuitively Amanda plays yours to you. After my split with my partner, I honestly could not entertain the thought of being with anybody. I felt stagnant and sad. Amanda unlocked something deep within me so I could feel again. She helped me remember my pulse and I could feel it pumping through my veins and deep within my womb. The cord cutting was super powerful and intense. This would have been possible without you.

I remember the absolute lightness and pure love that I felt throughout the entirety of our session. That will never leave me, and I feel that your energy has had a ripple effect in my life. I love you Amanda. YOU are a gift from GOD....and I am eternally grateful for being in and experiencing the divinity of your presence and essence. So much love.”

Renee Connelly @airandstardust


“I just wanted to thank you again for our session. I don’t think I can fully put into words how special it was and how special I think you are. You really are an incredible person with so much power to change the world. I’ve just written a little feedback down below, I’m happy for you to share it if you want to; I went into Amanda’s session feeling so burdened with grief, pain and anxiety having no idea what to expect. All I knew is that I had to try it. At the beginning of our session I was very nervous because I wasn’t sure if I could let go and let myself just fully be vulnerable and embrace the experience but my heart told me that I needed to do it. Amanda made me feel so comfortable and instantly at ease with no judgement and only love and understanding. It was exactly what I needed to allow myself to fully open myself up. We started with breath work and ended with some deep meditation. Whilst I’m not sure how to explain all we did in our session together, I can say it was almost like an out of body experience where I could just be and feel instead of think and be in my head leaving ego and worry behind. I felt like I released so much negative energy and trauma that I had been holding on to for such a long time and had never fully been able to let go of until that moment. I walked out feeling the most at peace I have felt in a long time and like I was floating. Amanda made me feel so safe and I am so happy that she was able to help me. I highly recommend anyone trying this, Amanda is a healer of the heart, body and soul.”

Kira Giles


“Amanda is absolutely beautiful in every way. During our session I got emotional because I felt that I had an angel working on me. Amanda has the purest and most free energy of anyone I have ever met. She doesn’t judge you and you really feel you could say anything to her and you will be met with love and understanding. 

The reiki was an amazing experience and I will definitely have it done again. The shamanic drumming at the end of the session was beautiful and took me to another place.

I have been dreaming since our session. Which I love. I felt so relaxed and calm afterwards. I walked in feeling not worthy but walked out feeling completely worthy. I have been dreaming a lot which I love. Before my session I was dreaming sporadically.”

Amber H


“Amanda, Thank you, from the depths of my heart. Truly. Yesterday was the start of me, fully embodied and I am so very grateful. Thank you. I am so excited to see what is next for me. My testimonial is below, you have my permission to use it and my name however you feel:

I feel words cannot do justice to the experience I had with Amanda. 

The Soul Session was that final brave step into all I have been working towards. Me.

“The way in which Amanda held space for me to do this was, in all honesty, the most honourable and respectful experience I have ever had. She is pure earth magic and to be able share the circle with her was such a blessing. Her insights, gentle nudges and realignments were tailored just for me, allowing me pure healing. The spaciousness I now feel within is a powerful reminder of who I am and all that was released to make way for everything I desire. I am in absolute awe of Amanda’s gift.”

Renee MacKay


"My Reiki session with Amanda was an absolute treat. With warm hands and an open heart she transported me from a London house to crisp countryside, the air filled with wood smoke. I felt an overwhelming sense of relaxation as she intuitively moved across my whole body to release any blockages. As the session came to a close I felt a tangible fluidity combined with an overriding sense of tranquillity. I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Amanda's Reiki treatments. I believe her to be inherently gifted in the art and a natural, authentic healer."

Christina Hales


"I received Amanda’s beautiful healing treatment in the comfort of my own room, where she used intuitive touch to move deep sadness and grief from my body. I entered the space feeling quite locked up and depressed and afterwards was able to tune into the deeper messages of my body and to release much-needed tears. Afterwards, Amanda told me of the two spirit animals she’d seen during my session, and told me of their significance in my life. I felt so nurtured and held in her care and know that what she possesses is natural and effortless healing wisdom. This woman is a beauty! "



"Amanda invited me into a deeply healing breathwork ritual designed to express and relieve anger. I’d been experiencing a lock in my lower back for about 2 weeks - total lack of flexibility and movement, and a deep pain when walking. In our ritual, Amanda guided me through an activating breathing practice and expertly lead me to a place where I was able to express and release anger through sound, movement and tears. By the end of the practice I was exhausted and went to bed. The next day my back pain was gone and I felt a hundred times lighter. Her ritual helped me to realise what a hard time I have expressing anger and how my mind and body suffer when I repress it. I can’t thank her enough for lifting the way for me on this one - it’s marked a turning point in my self awareness and my treatment and expression of vital human emotions."

Ellie Grace


"I received a truly transformational healing experience with @builtfromthefire Thank you gorgeous divine soul for your warmth and intuitive wisdom  and for listening to my soul and allowing it to speak. I feel so grateful that I was able to release all that no longer serves me. I feel light as a feather! You are such a special being. Thank you to the moon and the stars and back again.”



“The session with you was so powerful. I feel so light and joyful and free. I went home and jumped on my husband and we had the most liberating and enjoyable, joyful and loud sex!!!! I am so grateful for your love, support and generous spirit. You are truly magnificent. Thank you a million times over. I have been searching for this release for a long time. It feels so wonderful to finally let go. Much love your way. May you be happy and feel abundantly blessed by all you do.”



Life coach transform breathwork transformation life coaching retreats retreat mens circle women's circle online learning growth manifest spirituality yoga self care boundaries intuition raising vibration healing mindset transform awaken awakening dark night of the soul women's empowerment mens empowerment yoga self care shamanic shamanism magic dreams dream higher self yoga online



“This retreat enabled space to breathe, to truly feel and connect to something bigger than oneself. It was like entering a bubble where time and space doesn’t exist and the external world seemed a million miles away. Amanda takes you on a journey where you can feel fully at ease and trust the experience and lessons. She guides you courageously with her powerful words and holds space in a deep and meaningful way. I learnt the power of presence, flow and ease of mind, my answers comes from within, to speak from the heart and it’s ok to feel vulnerable. I’m leaving behind stuck energy, the need to save people and to feel responsible for others pain and discomfort.”

Lucie Hooper


“This retreat takes you on a journey you could never imagine going on. I’ve learnt to open my heart, let go, embrace the experience and it’s been something I will never forget. I feel empowered and excited to take away such knowledge, power and love. It’s an adventure of meeting amazing people, having fun and going deep within.

Amanda is amazing. Her presence is magical. Everything comes from the heart and she taught us so much with love and service. I learnt more than I could have imagined. I learnt how to release beliefs and trauma that no longer served me. I learnt the importance of listening to my intuition and how to follow my heart and vision. I learnt tools to release emotions and limited beliefs. I learnt how to show up fully to life and be kind to myself. I am leaving behind childhood trauma, listening to my heart and not my head. I am leaving behind feelings of self consciousness by learning where this originated.

This retreat was planned and executed perfectly!”

Charlie Ruby Baxter


“If you’re unhappy with your life, or seeking something, JUST COME to this retreat. It’s hard to describe exactly what we do but Amanda creates an experience which is so dedicated to helping you break through to what you need. The setting is surrounded by nature, eating delicious healthy food, the other attendees, all of it was wonderful and nourishing experience. I learnt where I’m creating unnecessary suffering in my life by not clarifying and upholding boundaries for myself. I learnt I control my thoughts and I have the power to change my thoughts. I learnt I don’t need to be afraid. I learnt everything comes down to love and presence. I’m leaving behind unhealthy beliefs and the belief that women aren’t to be trusted. Amanda is 100% pure awesomeness. She’s an inspiration.”

Anonymous Retreat Participant


“This retreat is intense. You are asked to show up vulnerably every step of the way. And while that seemed scary we were shown time and time again that it lead to breakthrough and strength. It was also a shared experience; no woman left behind. We were fiercely supported with love. Amanda is incredible!! Don't expect airy fairy soft “let me take your pain for you”. You have to do the work and Amanda makes sure you’re accountable. She is tender and loving in an empowered way so as not to take away from your own power.

I am leaving  behind apologies for my truth and desires. I am leaving behind unhelpful stories and beliefs. I have learnt how to connect with my truth and my heart and how to hold space for others. This experience was exactly what I needed.”

Bec Filby


“This retreat was empowering, transformational, deep, intense, safe, welcoming, refreshing and invaluable. I learnt how to truly hold space for others, true spirituality and self love beyond the fluff. I learnt how to get out of my own way. I left behind stories and beliefs around shame, doubt, worth, lack, being broken and fear. I released physical tension through daily movement. I will no longer give my power away to others. Amanda was authentic, passionate, deeply caring, alert, conscious, no BS (lol), playful and fierce.”

Justyce Dixon McConachy


“This retreat was such a welcoming environment. Amanda sees the beauty within everyone and her beauty shines. This retreat allowed me to connect deeper within myself and in turn connect more with those around me. The retreat was authentic and satisfying. The difficult parts involved looking deeply into oneself and that was so rewarding.

I learnt that my avoidance of female friendships came from an internal belief that I would not be accepted or embraced by women. I am leaving behind the idea that I am only safe when I am in the background. Amanda is real. Amanda is vulnerable, knowledgeable and authentic. She is patient and persistent in helping and being in service.”

Johanna Bradley


“If you are ready to live your best life this is the retreat for you. It is deeply healing, loving, an empowering collection of practices and learnings that are shared that are both beyond this world and real world practical. There is no greater gift you can offer the world and yourself that being you and in your power. I learnt that at this retreat.

Amanda is a feast for the soul to watch weave her magic. She is so present, in alignment and in her power. She shared so much love, patience, heart an d generosity. The world is so lucky to have you sharing your gifts and creating the New Earth.

I learnt how powerful we can all be, how much I have grown and seeing the hope through the powerful earth warriors I shared this journey with.

I am leaving behind stuck energy, trapped emotions, boundaries that aren’t strong or clear enough and fears. Everything was actually perfect.”

Erica Louise


At this retreat I found my peace. I stopped running and surrendered. I learnt to show my softness and love to all. I opened myself to new thoughts and experiences. Amanda is beautiful, giving, intuitive, informative and GENTLE. I am leaving behind hatred, anger and insecurity.”

Keri East


This retreat was life changing. It was amazing. Do it for yourself. Amanda was amazing, respectful, loyal and positive. I learnt it’s ok to be nice to myself. It’s ok to step back, take a breath and take your time. I’m leaving behind suffering and pain I hold onto. This retreat was perfect.”

Sharyn Santos​

Life coach transform breathwork transformation life coaching retreats retreat mens circle women's circle online learning growth manifest spirituality yoga self care boundaries intuition raising vibration healing mindset transform awaken awakening dark night of the soul women's empowerment mens empowerment yoga self care shamanic shamanism magic dreams dream higher self yoga online



“You created a welcoming and warm space in your beautiful home for me. I felt deep healing and release from this experience. I learnt so much from your knowledge and the Journey itself. You are a gifted healer.” Tania


“Amanda, what a presence you have; calming, confident, inspiring, light with laughter. A delight. Your take on my experience was deeply insightful and you kindly acknowledged my experience. A unique fulfilling experience which anchors exercising into being. An experience of shamanic drumming which is deeply relaxing and deeply intuitive.” Nell Jeandet


“Warm, inclusive, inviting, humorous. A superb presenter. Made me feel like I had known her for years. Thank you for being you! Relaxing, open, raw and honest. A healing journey of the heart.” Laura Loricco


“Beautiful, humble, accepting and welcoming. An evening of learning healthy ways to express anger. A lovely visual meditation through Shamanic Journey.” A.N


“Friendly, smiley, welcoming with a hug was lovely. Accommodating to everyone. Expressive space and non judgemental. Letting go of anger.” J.M


“Very practical and hands on workshop exploring anger. I loved that it followed with the Drum journey-it was a beautiful way to connect to self after releasing anger and emotions. Next level.” E.H


“Extremely welcoming. Put me at ease immediately. Very calming and made my space feel safe. I had a wonderful time and came away with new tools to take home and to work to help me. Loved it!” M.H


“Ever beautiful, divinely present. Very welcoming of all. A true master of holding space. A connection that women need but don’t often have. A very natural and familiar space but one which is unknown to us in the busy modern life. Give yourself the gift of this time. I wish it was longer. One day let’s do a whole day.”

Louise Viveiros.


“Very accommodating, from making sure everyone has everything to asking what the experience (was like) at the end. A must or you are missing out. The drum and guidance from Amanda has me returning every time.”

Sinead White


“Soul shifting, deep, high vibrational and an opening to a healing you didn’t realise you still needed. I felt like no time had passed but that we connected on a level once again I can’t quite put into words. An opening to a healing you didn’t realise you still needed. I loved the physical contact and hugs. Beautifully open and authentic.” 

Joanne Panetta


“Awesome. Loved the drum, loved your soothing voice. LOVED your touch. Calming Women’s Circle, protected and supported while finding your inner voice through stillness.”

Suse Dixon


“Her touch gives me warmth, her voice is soothing. Love her. The session feels like a warm hug.”



“Amanda is very embracing, sensitive and comforting. You feel blessed and graceful during this session. You find your inner true self that supports you forever.”

Engel Silke


“Supportive, calm, a wonderful leader. A relaxing and enlightening connection with your inner self.”

Bridgit Pearl


“Amanda is an incredible facilitator. So heart centred and the space she created was truly sacred. Most intentional yoga I have ever experienced. It was the most sacred, intentional, safe space, I loved it. You must come!” Octavia McDonald


“An amazing release of energy, sound, breath and emotions freeing myself! If you ever want to give yourself the freedom to experience your true inner self and emotions, this is the place. Very supportive, caring and loving.” Anon.


“Inspiring, down to earth, so welcoming. Calm but powerful. So nurturing. This workshop was absolutely brilliant. Come with no expectations and see where it takes you.” Sarah Robertson


“Amanda is knowledgeable, kind and does everything with love. Come with an open heart and mind and you’ll be fine. It’s a safe space and it’s most definitely filled with love.” Danielle Worrell


“You make everyone feel safe loved and accepted! So good to move from our reality/dimension (frenetic society) to a spiritual dimension where you can slow down and hear your inner voice.” Meggy Belovski


“Wonderful and calming. A way to access those emotions that you bottle up. A release valve that has the safety catch and facilitators in a calm space that allows you to trust in your body again.” Aislinn Tudhope


“The Shamanic Yoga and breathwork Journey was absolutely magical. Heart centered and empowering. No words to describe my gratitude. Will come to do this again!” Iris Garrido


“Amanda was fantastic. I felt connected to her right away, genuine and loving. A beautiful blend of physical highlights. A safe space to connect with your body and your inner being.” Izabela Dobrowolska


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